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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Swimming in the pool

Smiles are all over the pool. It might be because you can finally swim without swimmies, Aunt Cassie just threw you super high, your a cute 2 year old, or because your eating another chocolate chip cookie.... It really does not matter. A hot day and some water makes most children happy. The kids are really killing time with pool play dates!!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Fourth Of July

The kids had a great great Fourth of July. Some one was missing, but we talked to him all day at camp. We were so luck to have WiFi at camp. SOOO NICE. I think brandon was pretty jealous, but I think he enjoys watching us anyways... 8) Im showing off their awesome patriotic wear too!!!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Camping Adventure II

WOW camping really wears some kids out!! They played hard, got super dirty, and ate a ton of good good camp food!! There are simply too many good pictures to add that I just added a few sleepy ones bc I could not decide. Facebook is gonna be LOADED!!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Baseball 2011

The boys had a great season!! It started off a little rocky with some rain and a few sore throats and one broken bone, but other then that they caught some good balls and hit some "outta the park." Im very proud of my boys and of their team. Great bunch of kids and the boys are already asking to play next year!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

1st Loose Tooth

Caden finally has his first loost tooth!! He is very proud of it, but its barely barely loose. "See Daddy, Its a loose tooth, and I get $20 a tooth from the tooth fairy" says caden. "WTF who said that??" says Mommy. BAHAHAHA!!!!!

Ewing Park Nature Trail

Ewing Park in Ellwood City hasa nice little short Nature Walk that we enjoyed the other day. The kids found some peanuts that I assume where left for the squirrels, but Caden said "maybe we'll see an elephant." HA HA.. I love kids. It is tooo cute the things they come up. I would love to see an elephant in Ewing Park!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Exploring Brush Creek

The kids and I went to Brush Creek to explore the local ponds for fishing potential. Caden did not want to go. It appears he does not love the outdoors as much as his mother does. Thats okay bc he can work a computer and game system better then most adults. The walk went well and
we only stomped in a few puddles. Brush Creek is on the "fishing with daddy" list. OOOO I hate what the humidity does to my hair. "cotton ball"

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cousins doin'.....

what cousins do best. They play in the water, in the same, in the gass, and in the air. These six stay busy when they get together. You can really catch some great pictures if your fast enough. I took these ones with my video camera. They dont turn out the best quality, but the kids are still cute!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Im not the only one!

I know I am not the only women to fall a sleep alone, but last night I did not have to. I actually got to fall asleep looking at my husband. No we were not in the same bed, but miles and miles away. I was getting to bed at midnight, and he was getting to bed around 830am. We decided to skype to sleep. It was nice to have his face the last thing I remembered before morning!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sidewalk Speedway

The kids were playing outside today, doing what they love. Getting a good running start and flying down Granma's sidewalk!! WHAT FUN!! I then got the brillian idea to draw some stop lights, road signs, and lines. It was great to watch!! BEEP BEEP!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sword Trick

Brandon took some pictures while he was gone. He sent some for us to view. Dillin and I were sitting on the couch viewing these wonderful things together for the first time. We were looking and I was telling Dillin what was in every picture. He was really interested because he really misses his Daddy. Then along came these pictures. WOW I should have known something was up!! Poor Dillin. We get to the "head shot" and Dillin screams "OH NO... they killed Daddy!!" Now I think this is pretty funny, But Dillin definitely did not!! HA HA... I have learned my lesson and will screen all future pictures from Brandon.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Last Day of Kindergarten

Caden had his last day of kindergarten. He did a great job this year!!! At Vass-Lakeview he was loved by his teacher and friends. He did an amazing job with his studies and was one of the top of his class. Here at Riverside, he made new friends quick. He easily won his teachers heart and picked up on all his new studies within a blink of an eye. He moves on to 1st grade!! GOOD JOB CADEN.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Gardening With Pap

Pap (grandpa Jenkins) has a big old garden in his back yard. The kids love to dig dig dig and put lots of holes all over the unused spots. Its great fun to be so helpful to Pap... 8) It is amusing to hear them bicker back and fourth over the strange things children will do. HA HA. Once again, Its good to be home. When Brandon comes home, the kids will have so much stuff to teach him about gardening.